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Lilies of the Field

They Neither Toil Nor Spin

"Lily" (singular), in the context of The Lily and Beyond, is someone who has been "Lily-activated," i.e., s/he has received a Lily Activation. S/he is called a "Lily" because of the presence in his/her aura of an etheric white lily, representing purity.

Lilies (plural) are anointed by God for a special planetary mission: Peace and One Brotherhood of Man. As ambassadors of the mission, they are endowed by God with extra power, extra-abilities, and extra-capacities befitting the office. As ambassaddors of His Peace, they possess the following emblems of distinction after a Lily Activation:

  • An etheric white lily in the aura, emblematic of purity. It's alive, moving, organic, growing.

  • A pillar of white light in the center channel (akin to a glowing, vertical fluorescent light) symbolizing the presence and protection of God.

  • A halo around their heads (see Figure 2)

  • A fully developed Kundalini, unobstructed and operating problem-free 24 x 7.

  • A fully developed and permanent Antahkarana, functioning 24 x 7 like a fiber optic HDTV cable connection to Higher Self and Source.

  • A permanently-assembled and fully functioning Merkabah vehicle, like a James Bond car that's intelligent, ready for immediate use anytime, anywhere, 24 x 7.

  • A super-conscious mind operating 24 x 7, not just in peak periods.

  • Able to sustain high-altitude intuitional planes of cosmic consciousness and non-intuitional planes of ordinary consciousness simultaneously, for extraordinarily long periods of time.

  • Closer access to Source as God's chosen people.

Before and After


Figure 1 is an aura photo (unretouched) of a subject meditating, taken right before her Lily Activation.


Figure 2 is an aura photo of the same subject in Figure 1, taken right after her Lily Activation

Notice the white halo around the female subject's head in Figure 2. That's standard issue in any Lily Activation, indicating an illumined, super-conscious mind. Notice also the presence of more white light in the subject's aura-another standard issue. It is indication of an illumined super-conscious mind. "Any man acting in complete super-consciousness, the implication is, would be as a god. This has been the goal of all mystics through the ages and the story of their seeking. This is the explanation of the state of Christhood" (from "Revelation: A Commentary Based on a Study of 23 Psychic Discourses by Edgar Cayce," A.R.E. Press, p. 256).

Results You'll Love

Below are some of the perfections of deity that The Beloved (G-d) shares with Lilies. They are typical results of a Lily Activation, although not guaranteed, because individuals are unique so results vary.



Apotheosis is not the same as identification with God. It is not the perfection of one's moral nature through observance of religious rituals, dogma and good deeds. Apotheosis is deification by God. It is a metamorphosis infused by The Infinite; a transformation by The Infinite from a mere mortal molded by Earth into a luminous being deified by Heaven. After you are divinely changed, you become divinely life-changing.

After a Lily Activation, your mortal past begins to erode, and your inner Theos begins to unfold before your inner gaze. Thereafter, you are able to participate in the perfections of deity, and share the perfections of immortals like Jesus Christ, Buddha, Bodhisattva Guanyin, Goddess Isis, Goddess Athena, etc.

Unfathomable Peace

It's the "undifferentiated peace" of Source that defies all understanding. Like the peace of immortals such as Jesus Christ or Buddha, felt by Lilies 24 x 7, even without meditation. Distress is rare and short-lived so life becomes easy-breezy.  MORE

Superconscious Mind

Source activates the super-conscious mind of a Lily. It stays on automatically for his/her immediate, full-time use. This enables him/her to attain Christhood faster.  MORE


Hi-voltage Potency

Source transforms the Lily into a high-voltage transformer, holding much divine power. S/he is much closer to Source, just as a high-voltage transformer is closer to the power plant.  MORE


Hi-speed Manifestations

All manifestation (defined as making thoughts, wishes & desires a physical reality) requires potency, and a Lily has lots of it. Thus, a Lily is able to manifest his thoughts with ease and astonishing speed-as fast as 15 seconds for some novices.  MORE


Deified Abilities (super powers)

A Lily becomes energy-sensitive and can exhibit supernatural abilities rooted in divinity.  MORE


Exponential Evolution

A Lily thinks s/he is evolving at a relaxed, cruising pace, but others watching him/her see a Ferrari speeding on the autobahnMORE


Creator's Embrace

We can go on and one about all the perks of being a Lily, but none will matter as much as the constant presence of God's palpable, reassuring embrace... to remind you of where you came from. MORE

Results You'll Love
Fig 1 & 2
unfathomed peace
superconscious mind
hi-volt potency
deified vs psychic abilites
exponential evolution
Creator's embrace
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