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"Chakra" is a Sanskrit term meaning "energy wheel" or "energy vortex."  Every human being has 7 major chakras located in various points in the body (see Figure 2). Each cone-shaped chakra is an energy receptor and transmitter. As an energy receptor, each chakra draws universal life force energy from your surroundings and feeds it to your bodily organs. Your 7 major chakras are:


ROOT CHAKRA (#1 in Figure 2) is located at the perineum, and it's color is red. After a Lily Activation, divine energy will continuously and directly inform this chakra 24x7, to influence your sex life, survival and livelihood. Also affects spine, glandular system.  Motto: I Live.


PELVIC OR SACRAL CHAKRA (2F & 2B in Figure 2) is located below the navel, at the level of the pelvis and sacrum, and it's color is orange. After a Lily Activation, divine energy will continuously and directly inform this chakra 24x7, to influence your fertility, family ties and personal relationships. Also affects gonads (ovaries/testes).  Motto: I Feel.


SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA (3F & 3B in Figure 2) is located at the solar plexus, and it's color is yellow. After a Lily Activation, divine energy will continuously and directly inform this chakra 24x7, to influence your personal will power, emotional life and digestion. Also affects kidneys, adrenals, pancreas, spleen, stomach.  Motto: I Will.


HEART CHARKA (4F & 4B in Figure 2) is located at the heart, and it's color is green. After a Lily Activation, divine energy will continuously and directly inform this chakra 24x7, to influence your love life and your social relationships. Also affects thymus, heart, lungs and endocrine glands. Motto: I Love.


THROAT CHAKRA (5F & 5B in Figure 2) is located at the neck, and it's color is blue. After a Lily Activation, divine energy will continuously and directly inform this chakra 24x7, to influence your communications and creative expression. Also affects thyroid, parathyroid, hypothalamus.  Motto: I Speak. 


THIRD EYE CHAKRA (6F & 6B in Figure 2) is located slightly above the brows, between the eyes, and it's color is indigo. After a Lily Activation, divine energy will continuously and directly inform this chakra 24x7, to influence your conscious and subconscious minds, thereby influencing your decision-making. Also affects pituitary gland.  Motto: I See. 


CROWN CHAKRA (#7 in Figure 2) is located at the top of your head, and it's color is white. After a Lily Activation, divine energy will continuously and directly inform this chakra 24x7, to influence your spiritual life and your relationship with deity. Also affects pineal gland.  Motto: I Am.

Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity (E = mc2) and Quantum Physics states that matter, in truth, is latent energy.  Your dense material body is energy vibrating at the low frequency of matter. 


Your emotions are energies vibrating at a frequency higher than dense matter.


Your thoughts are energies vibrating at a frequency higher than emotions.   

The low vibrations you can emit are the negative energies of sorrow, guilt, fear, shame, etc.  You lower your vibrations by thinking negative thoughts, which bring negative feelings that make you feel “low."


The high vibrations you can emit are the positive energies of joy, love, appreciation, peace, gratitude, etc.  You raise your vibrations by thinking positive thoughts, which bring positive feelings that make you feel “high.”


Your beliefs, patterns, and internal programs are habitual thought-form energies. Beliefs and patterns are simply well-rehearsed vibrations. 

The Aura


Your energy body is a glow of lights, called your AURA (see Figure 1).  When you emit low vibrations (e.g., fear or worry) your aura becomes dim or dark.  When you emit high vibrations (e.g, cheer or good will) your aura is a bright glow.


Any un-truth that you hold on to creates an energy blockage in your aura. If left untreated, the energy blockage results in disease in the physical body. Un-truths are dark energies in your aura that block your light and obstruct the flow of life-giving energy to your mind and bodily organs.  Examples of "blocks" are fear, low self-esteem, poverty-consciousness, victim-consciousness, greed, complexes and fixations. These are blocks for they are contrary to your Truth.

Figure 1: Aura and Chakras, frontal view.

Figure 2: Chakras, side view.

You are Energy

The Role of Energy in Your Life

Vibration is your non-physical language of communication with each other and with the world around you.   You are a vibrational transmitter and receiver.  You project a specific, identifiable signal that is YOU.  You broadcast a signal 24 hours x 7 days a week with your thoughts, feelings, attitudes, etc.  Others receive your signal and respond to it.  


Your personal world is created by the Law of Attraction, i.e., “Like attracts Like.”  You create your world by attracting to you that which matches your vibrational frequency, i.e., if you radiate positive thoughts and feelings, you will attract positive people and circumstances into your experience.  You will repel negative people and circumstances. Conversely, if you radiate negative thoughts and feelings, you will attract negative people and circumstances into your experience.  You will repel positive people and circumstances.  The world delivers to you the vibrational match of your habitual beliefs, patterns and internal programs. Therefore, your powerful beliefs, patterns and internal programs will always be played out in your experience.

Root Chakra
Sacral Charka
Solar Plexus
Heart Chakra
Throat Chakra
3rd Eye Chakra
Crown Chakra
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