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Meditations and Beyond


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THANK YOU to our clients and patrons for sharing your success stories and inspiring us with your results.

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Hello, Kim. Thank you so much for being God's way to have me interact with Him in a very tangible way. Divine Love Bliss Meditation was the first time that I had such a real experience of Him. I smelled flowers, I heard music and I felt Him in my being in a very real way. I can't put it into words. And I was crying and crying. The meditation woke me up to Him. I knew Him before but I've never known Him so personally. Thank you so much.

KS, Philippines

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In the Satsang meditation, I experienced God in me LIVE! I feel divine energy all over my body. I feel so connected! It was so profound that I’m choosing to now live my life in alignment with what God wants me to manifest in the world, with compassion for myself and humanity.  

Weng Busteneyra, Registered Financial Consultant, Philippines

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Best thing one could get in this life. I have dabbled in so many things to search for God, and it is only in this space (Kim's Satsang meditation) that I was given the ability to see and experience God in everything, even in darkness, ennui, uncertainty. Thank you so much for allowing me to experience Grace, Love and Christ on a physiological level.

AA, Philippines

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Golden Oasis Meditation #1 - Healing  (Aug 6, 2020, 5:42 AM)

I experienced the first mediation (Healing) in the heart. I had grief and heart-ache I had been trying to come to peace with my grief and heart-ache for several months now.

Secretly, I had always desired to be engaged, and have a Divine wedding, and to experience that special moment when the Groom and Bride see each other for the first time as she walks down the aisle to greet her beloved.

In this mediation, I was greeted by celestial Masters and Teachers. They asked me to remove my shoes. To bow as they placed something on my head. I think they placed flowers in my hair. 

I was guided down a narrow walk way where I was greeted by our Beloved Creator. He gently placed my left hand on His, and knelt down on one knee.My mind went into some thoughts about not being worthy.  As quickly as the thoughts came in, I went into my heart and screamed "I DO, I DO, I DO!"

A beautiful ring was placed on my finger. I can still feel the ring on my finger energetically now. I was speechless. 

We strolled through a lush garden filled with lilies.  As we came to the edge of a pond that had golden turtles walking in the grass, a beautiful lei of Egyptian Jasmine was placed around my neck. Suddenly, I was in a white dress. 

As I looked in our Beloved's eyes, I could see what seemed like all of Creation.  The Universes sparkled with this palpable, unconditional love that blew open my heart. 

I am still stunned from the experience. Still speechless.

Thank you, Kim Lopa, for being such an exquisite, pure channel of our Creator's One Love.

Priscilla Mae Wheeler, Midas Touch Counselor,

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Golden Oasis Meditation #2 - Peace (Aug 7, 2020)

This was like no other meditation I have ever experienced.  

I had challenges with remaining in a state of gratitude.  I felt an inner tug of war between my (chattering mind) and willing heart.  I patiently kept, opening, accepting, and allowing.  

It felt as if decades, or centuries of old, deep-seated programming, beliefs, ego attachments, and conditioning were being peeled off one thick layer at a time... like layers to cabbage. 

I intuitively started surrendering over and over. Each layer going deeper, and deeper, to plant a deeper seed of Creator's Love. 

I recited in my mind, "I wish to align my will with God's will. They Will Be Done." 

I saw what looked like thick black tar being lifted out of my head and twisted black cords being removed from my body.  

My mind was completely quiet at this point, as I witnessed an opening of dark passageways in the base of my skull.  It felt like a deeper opening of my subconscious, to make the unseen more conscious.

Towards the end of the mediation, I had difficulty opening my eyes.  I was light-headed, unable to speak or move from the chair I was sitting on.  It took about 10 minutes before I could get up, walk, and crawl into bed. 

The next morning, I faced what I had viewed as the ugliest parts of myself.  Parts I had disliked in others, which were reflections of myself.  

After further surrender, acceptance, and forgiveness, I experienced a solidity of peace, gratitude, love, with a quieter focused mind.  The deep wound of abandonment was healed. 

I still feel work on the lower left limbic (emotional brain) taking place.  I feel the heart of the Christ deeply seeded with my heart / body. 

Kim, I am so eternally grateful for the pure gifts you channel through each meditation which has rendered me speechless.  Namaste.

Priscilla Mae Wheeler, Midas Touch Counselor,

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The meditations were completely transformative.  BEYOND this Universe!  Unbelievably phenomenal!  So much love, I am in Heaven on Earth!  During the Satsang meditation, I witnessed pieces of me return home with immense speed.  I can still feel the explosive fire of God’s love within my heart center.  Thank you, Kim Lopa, for being the channel of God's Infinite One Love.

Priscilla Mae Wheeler, Midas Touch Counselor,

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Thank you for that wonderful healing meditation, Kim! In the part of the meditation where we were in the Creator's mansions, it felt like the energy was overlaying itself also on the physical structures of the resort I work in. And now the place feels transformed. For myself, I feel this very intense light shining from me. At the same time, I'm floating-completely immersed in that same light and love, like a fetus in the Creator's womb.

James Asprer, Reiki Master, Philippines

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At the beginning of the Blessed Mother Healing Meditation, I felt an immense flow of light and warmth filling and enveloping me. It was so awesome right from the beginning. It is my favorite of all meditations to date. It is so beautiful, I fel complete and yet I would like to be there for all the remaining sessions because it feels sooo good. Each of us were assigned a team of celestial masters and healers. What I got is more than I could imagine. I was raised up to the Highest. I cannot thank you, enough, Kim, for facilitating that experience for many. I invite everyone to break bread with Divine Mother!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, O Most Holy Blessed Mother, Kim Lopa, Celestial Team, Admin team, ToniAnn Hanna Batista and Felipe Batista, and participants. I was taken to and beheld my Home in Divine's place of many mansions. There is so much unutterable phenomena. I prostrated myself before the Divine because that is all I could do with my awe. It was the most beautiful meditation I have experienced. Deeply healing and enlightening. Full speed and straight to the Creator's Presence and Love. If you have not joined yet, come join us. The remaining sessions will be glorious!

Monette M. Flores, Consultant for Book of Life Coaching and Ancestral Healing, In-depth Traveler, Ecotourism and Enterprise Development Expert, and Executive Director of a corporate disaster risk-reduction network in the Philippines

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The Healing Meditation of Blessed Mother was powerful in that it melted all resistance to God. It felt like a balm to my self-inflicted wounds. I felt the Celestial Hosts take out the burden I kept carrying. There was Divine Peace and Stillness in being with the Creator and welcomed Home. I am grateful that the Blessed Mother reached out to us, Her children, to aid in the healing and restoration of myself and others. Thank you, Kim, for being the conduit of God’s One Love.

Claudine Mangasing, Akashic Consultant & Instructor,

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The depth of consciousness in the monthly Lily gatherings and Lily meditations is a level of super-consciousness and clarity very rare to find. I had not experienced it before in any other group in the 15 years that I have been doing hands-on energy healing, meditation and yoga. I truly recommend to become Lily-activated.

Rina Lichtinger, Yoga Instructor, Miami, FL, USA

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I would like to mention that a good book, a great film, a birthday card can make me weep. Yet, during the series of satsangs, I become a major weeper in the presence of The Light. When we started the meditation, I was told to enter the temple and my body did an act of kneeling. Then, I was moved into an empty place like the universe and I still could see my body kneeling. While I was there, I was receiving different kinds of energy.

In another meditation, I was given so much love and peace, like an "embracing happiness." Very beautiful. Then, in another meditation, I was humbled when The Light told me who I AM. Yet, I still have work to do.

In the last satsang, I was in a farm house were many cows were eating and looking healthy. Then, I left the farm house and I looked at a long field where so many cows ate from the pasture.

Each time, I would return from a meditation with my eyelids well closed, with residues of having slept for a long time.

This is all I could remember from the series of satsangs. Thank you very much, Kim Lopa, for all the kindness.

Sergio J Taipe, Miami, Florida, USA

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I had a wonderful experience during and after my 1st Divine Love Bliss Meditation . There was a moment during the meditation when I found myself in a very familiar place where there is only me and my confidant. I felt an intimate connection and the unconditional love. There was peace for being myself... all of me. At first, I felt unworthy but then I felt the embrace, acceptance and forgiveness. I noticed that the usual situations that irritate me no longer bother me after the meditation. I can let them pass easily and remain happy and calm while experiencing a sense of understanding and oneness with other people. There were things that didn't go as planned, yet a part of me was glad and seemed that the universe conspired in my favor.

I started crying a lot during the "Acts of Service" Love Language part of the 3rd Divine Love Bliss Meditation. I felt that I was well understood. Upon opening the golden chest, I cried more with gladness as my prayers are answered. It is amazing that the words that came from my conversation with Christ in my heart were uttered by Rev. Kim Lopa few minutes after. My heart is healed and I am free to give and receive love. It is an amazing grace indeed. A voice said you are here for one big reason... remember who you are... go and complete your journey... I am sending angels with you. My heart never felt light and free as this before. Thank you!

The 4th Divine Love Bliss Meditation was intense and so strong that my physical body felt electricity and tingling sensation throughout the meditation. My body also bent backwards and I was gasping for air upon the acceptance of the second gift. Words are not enough to express the wonderful moment I had when the star of Bethlehem came out from my heart; I never released that kind of breath before. I haven't experienced giving birth but there is a knowing in me that the air I breathed out with my heart is part of the process of giving birth. It felt like a new journey has begun.

Something unusual happened to my responses the day after the meditation to situations and events. My belly and my chest remained calm and there is a knowing in me that everything is right on track; not on my plans but on God's plan.

AFD, Manila, Philippines

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I had been hesitant to attend the Divine Love Bliss Meditation because I don't speak and understand English well. Upon Mercy's urging, I finally decided to attend the last two DLB Meditations just to open my heart and feel the inner guidance and energy while not worrying if I could follow the words.

I had been stuck in a dark hole. Even though I had been working with Archangel Michael to get out of that dark hole, and despite trying all the tools at my disposal as a Lily, I still couldn't break free. I was about to give up for I was thinking it was not going to be possible for me to reach the space where years back I had felt One with God. I thought I had wasted my opportunities and now it was too late. 

In the last DLB Meditation of November 26, I joined with an open heart and asked God, "Please God help me! You are the only one that can break me out of this hole. You are the only one that can help me feel you again." I asked on bended knees with a heart in complete surrender. After the DLB Meditation, I felt such deep peace that I went to sleep.

Then the movement started. It has been an amazing week since that last DLB Meditation. I have never experienced such fast inner shift as I have experienced this past week. Oh, glorious GOD, my heart sings!!! Not only have I been delivered from that dark hole, I have also been given a gift that I never thought I would be able to receive-I feel GOD again in me! I feel His tenderness, His joy, His unconditional Love! My heart is open and I am singing again! Glorious God, thank you!

Kim Lopa, I truly have no words to express my sincere and humble THANKS to you for giving me this opportunity (and for all other opportunities given to me this year through you, from the Diamond Lily Activation, to Akashic Records Level 3: Metatron's Palace, to Shekinah Healings and, above all, for your love and assistance. What I have received in the past DLB Meditation is beyond priceless. My heart overflows with gratitude.

Rosa Navarro, Miami, Florida, USA

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All Divine Love Bliss Meditations worked like a staircase to Heaven, a very special gift from our Creator, given to us at a time when so many changes are taking place not only in the United States but around the world.  His overwhelming love could be felt in each of the meditations in a very different manner so that the magic of the Universe can manifest and change all our divine desires, to change not only ourselves but the entire planet.  We can spread this love to change the planet and make it a place of love and peace where the negativity shall be transmuted at the best of times by Divine Will. This gift is beyond words, Kim, and thank you for being His instrument at a time when only His Divine Will can make a difference for all of humanity.

Yolanda de Llorente, Florida, USA

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The most important realization I got out from attending the Second Coming Satsang with Kim was that Oneness is about "Homeness". Being at HOME means being COMPLETE without having to do anything. I am COMPLETE just by being myself, i.e. my True Self. For most of my life, I had made myself busy, packing my schedule with all sorts of activities and learning experiences, because I often felt inadequate despite having attended countless workshops. During the meditation, what dawned on me is that even by simply sitting still and doing nothing, I am COMPLETE-that was a very empowering insight that I take home with me. Everything else I do is a bonus. Thank you, Kim, for holding space for me to uncover this priceless gift.

M. Abella, Manila, Philippines

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I listened to the first three Divine Love Bliss Meditations as recordings and found them excellent. The first two of the three especially opened me to a more profound level of love and bliss (lovebliss) in my heart and being, and introduced me to a more palpable presence of Source, while also healing some of my resistance to such an intimate relationship with Source. The feelings were very energetic and beautiful, like waves of lovebliss and greater union.


The fourth and final meditation I attended live, and I found it to be quite different from the first three - it was for me the most profound. Rather than producing lovebliss as a more emotional energy within my being, this final meditation elicited such clarity, heightened awareness and cognition, and much greater light within. In some ways it was a much higher refined yet subtler form of lovebliss, and one that felt much more natural. Rather than energetic waves - it felt innate to my being - like I had been profoundly upgraded in my light and awareness. This was particularly noticeable for the first day and then became more integrated and accepted by me, to become my new normal.


I am extremely grateful for such a beautiful and powerful upgrade. It felt very much like a new installment of a Lily Activation-that much was received and integrated. I am very grateful! Thank you and much love!

Andrew L, Canada

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Since the Divine Love Bliss Meditation started, I felt the presence of God in my heart. Tears started rolling my cheeks, and it was a great feeling of joy, all throughout the meditation.

GB, Miami, Florida, USA

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Thank you, Kim Lopa. This rebirth bid me to rejoice! I felt my senses one after another revealing the love of God. And by His presence, He makes me humble. It's like He's saying, "I'm with you even when you're far away," and my tears started pouring out. The next morning, the sun warmed my body and gentle once again reveal the love and joy on my face.  Thank you very much for Divine Love Bliss Meditations.

Sergio J Taipe, Miami, Florida, USA

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God wasn't that palpable to me before. However, since the last 2 Divine Love Bliss Meditations, God has been more "reachable" for me. Thank you for holding the DLB meditations, activations and blessings!

Claudine Mangasing, Akashic Consultant & Instructor,

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To affirm that the Golden River of Prosperity is real: for the whole Satsang meditation series, I gratefully shared Php5500 for Prosperous Circulation. Soon after, prosperity began flowing in. All in all, if I total gross revenue against the gratitude sharing I made, my Gratitude Share multiplied 17.4 times over what I gave. The Golden River of Prosperity works! Much gratitude to God! At the same time that I feel gratitude and elation, I am also humbled by the generosity of our Creator, and my heart is filled with LOVE. I would also like to thank Kim, for being the channel that facilitated the Golden River to make it available to those who attended the Satsangs—feeling grateful.

Claudine Mangasing, Akashic Consultant & Instructor,

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Due to the fact that I was traveling, I wasn't planning on joining the 2nd Divine Love Bliss Meditation because of the time zone difference. I drank a cup of espresso earlier, thus, I was wide awake past midnight, so I joined the meditation. I was half-asleep-half-awake but I was aware enough to know I received “something.” A few hours later, I felt God was more “reachable.” Connecting to Him became easier, and the things I ask for manifest very FAST! That espresso was God’s way of making sure I attended. I look forward to attending the next two meditations.

JTP, Philippines

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During the Satsang, I experienced the absolute, immense beauty of just Being Love. When I see with the lens of Love, I see and experience the Light and beauty of my brethren. Their Light is reflected back to me and there can be nothing but Oneness in that space - two become One; I am One with All. As I observed "others" around me, looking back at me, I experienced with Love, not judgement-compassion for the same emotions I have felt: fear, skepticism, distrust, anxiety... to name a few. I experienced Love as the Absolute Truth. Thank you so very much for a beautiful experience, which words really cannot describe.

Julie Genereux, Akashic Record Reader & Teacher,

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A day or two before the 2nd Divine Love Bliss Meditation (I did attend the first one as well) I was in the shower and thinking about my wishes. I was kind of dreamily watching my mind work and looking up at my dreams like little wishes and images above me. Someone said to me, "You don't have to wish on stars. You ARE The STAR." It came with such love, and a reminder of who I am that I knew IT in my being and in My Self. It was where I was from, and how My Maker knew me, with that Love. And that love and bliss is in me so deeply that when I think about it to write this, the tears start flowing. Thank you.... what a precious gift.

Kylie Hebert, New York, USA

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During the blessing of the Golden River/Waterfall [Satsang 6/30/2017], Merlin was one of the Masters who showed up for me. Since this is the first time he has shown up for me, I decided to have a chat with him to clarify the message or lesson he is bringing and this is what came through:

"Hark ye, Soul, the Golden River flows from within the Soul. Pouring out from Pitchers as Love.” 

I had a vision of limitless pitchers with gold liquid, filled from within me; there is a pitcher for whatever the undertaking is-job, task, work with client, meeting, etc.

"Harken do with Passion that which you pursue. Invoke the Flame of Love in all you do - with the toil of your hands. The Power of Love Transmutes into Gold that which is Silver and dime. Harken, oh Soul, to the Rivers of Gold. Allow the flow.”

For me, part of what this message means is that: if I understand that manifestation is simply a change from Intention to matter, then it follows that whatever is intended/intentioned from a place of Divine Love, can't help but be rewarded in the highest form of riches. For me it is a most beautiful message, and I felt guided to share it.

Julie Genereux, Akashic Record Reader & Teacher,

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The meditation today was life changing. No words can explain the transmission of God's love, it can only be felt. When this amount of love and support comes in, we know that God is showing us his unfailing love and presence. I am immensely grateful to Kim Lopa for her generous love for us, Creator King, The Blessed Mother, Masters & Teachers team. We were showered with pure divine light. This was an unparalleled meditation, it was divinely transformational. If you or anyone you know is seeking healing, connection with the Creator, and much more, please share your feedback with them so they may also have the opportunity to join the other meditations. Sharing is caring... Thank you so much again, Kim.

Toni Ann Hanna-Batista, FB Digital Consultant

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The Divine Love Bliss Meditation released pent-up emotions well into the night. I felt an overwhelming sadness the following day. Little by little, I was being healed, RESTORED and stabilized. I am uncovering lessons on recent experiences. I now am in a better state, and my awareness is expanding.

N. W., Philippines

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For Prosperous Circulation, I lovingly shared P40,000 for the entire Satsang meditation series. Afterwards, I received projects worth P160,000. That's 400% in return (or 4 times). And then additional income came from the same project, in the amount of P800,000. The total amount of P960,000 is 2,400% ROI (or 24 times) from Providence. I'm so, so grateful. Thanks a gazillion!

Sherab Chosang, Feng Shui Consultant,

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In the first Divine Love Bliss Meditation, the Christ showed up in physical form in my Heart space; "He" opened His arms and we were locked in a very intimate, loving embrace, like long lost lovers reuniting after a long time apart. I felt pure, Divine Love flowing between us. I felt safe and truly loved. It gave me a reference point, of sorts, to find my way "home" to Bliss. After that meditation, I would find myself smiling for no reason.

In the 2nd Divine Love Bliss Meditation, we were guided to open our Heart to God and to allow Him to come to us. When I did this, I "saw" myself as a bride waiting for her bridegroom. He came to me, this time as a pure, very bright Light. I felt myself enveloped in the same loving feeling of an embrace. It felt as if our relationship was strengthened and now I could invite Him to come with me everywhere I go. Since then I have been doing just that. I found it interesting that this idea had not occurred to me before!I was busy with friends visiting from out of town over the weekend and was quickly back to my early morning routine yesterday morning (i.e., not much down-time after the meditation); so there has not been much time for feeling anything. I went to a full Moon Crystal Bowl Meditation last night and it was a beautiful experience. I felt myself flying "way out there", and my Crown Chakra felt like it was really wide open. Since then I feel physically like I am going through shifts and calibrations... at first, I was wondering if I had made a wrong move by going to the Crystal Bowl meditation and being so "open." But, all messages suggest that I am simply processing the shifts and changes that have come with the Divine Love Bliss Meditation.

Both of the Divine Love Bliss Meditations were the most real connection to God/The Divine that I have ever felt. The connection was very tangible and hard to put into words. I have been feeling pure Love and walking in bliss since then. This doesn't mean I don't have challenges. It means that I find myself smiling for no reason (just because I feel pure Love flowing through me) - or being able to smile when I see challenges arise (meeting the challenges with Love). This connection to God/Divine is still active and working at a deeper level, bringing/creating shifts and changes that I feel both physically and spiritually. Thank you, Kim, for the sacred work that you do, for being a clear channel for these blessings, and for your service to us Lilies. I am so thankful for you and for the Lily family that I am a part of. Thanks also to my fellow Lilies who are helping Kim bring the meditations and blessings to all of us. Sending Love to all.

Julie Genereux, Akashic Record Reader & Teacher,

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Before the Satsang meditations, I'd have 1-2 clients a month. After the Satsang meditations, I immediately was gifted a radio segment to promote my business, and shortly after I noticed a consistent flow of clients one to two a week. Clients I have not heard from in almost two years started calling for healing sessions. From the beautiful gifting of the Golden River of Prosperity, if I were to place a figure, I have received about 18.5 times on what I had donated.

I think the most profound experience is with my family. Their finances have increased and they have shifted to a more loving generous relationship with prosperity.

Thank you, God, for this beautiful gift, and to Kim Lopa for being a pure channel of One Love in facilitating such a phenomenal gem from Source.

Priscilla Mae Wheeler, Midas Touch Counselor,

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Something happened today. Unexpectedly, manna came. We had planned for a trip with tickets bought 8 months ago. But, with the circumstances that accompanied our year, the prospects of financing the trip was dimming. Yet, I was at peace and knew it was going to come through without knowing yet how. Afterall, it was Divine who called for this date once again, and, this time with my husband. At the last minute of applying for visa, the gift came. It was unmistakable. It didn't come from any compensation for work done. The Golden River that was activated at the Satsang Meditation came with an initial gift of 1700 % ROI for the gratitude donation that I sèeded. Thank you, Kim Lopa for the gift of the Satsang. 

Monette M. Flores, Consultant for Book of Life Coaching and Ancestral Healing, In-depth Traveler, Ecotourism and Enterprise Development Expert, and Executive Director of a corporate disaster risk-reduction network in the Philippines

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Since my last Gratitude Donation to Divine Love Bliss Meditation, I have been offered a full time job. The last day of my current part-time job ends Friday, and I start my new full-time job the next business day, Monday. I allowed providence and prosperity to come and it did! I am so happy!

A. Scott, USA

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If I could use a story to explain my experience of the Spring Meditation (April 19, 2019), this would be it:

I came home from playing outside and found Blessed Mother and Holy Father waiting for me. 

“We have a SURPRISE for you…”, they said. The build-up in the air was palpable. I knew something was up. 

I could see in their faces that they were excited about this. “What is it?” I asked.

“First let’s clean you up,” Blessed Mother said.

I ran to the shower without objection. No objections, no chasing into the bath… I want this surprise and my defenses are down. I clean myself up, willingly. I cleaned up well. I did not want to give them any reason to delay “my prize”. I sat in front of my parents, and with doe eyes I said, “I am ready. What is it?”

"We’ll give you anything you want", said the Holy Father.

Anything…? Oh my, what would I want? It’s like receiving a blank check. I blurted out something… 

“Are you sure?”, they said in unison. They didn’t have to say it. I saw the look on their faces. Oh wow, I can go bigger! They must mean it when they said anything…!

“What would be nice?” I asked them. Looking from one parent to another, alternately. Looking for signs, testing the limits of their surprise. They had a suggestion. I loved it! It was awesome, it was major, It would cost a lot I am sure. Oh boy, are they really going to give me this? Do I deserve it? They want me to share this gift with my friends, I wonder do they deserve that? 

“Can I really have it?” I said out loud.

“Well if you do the right things, put in some work, yes of course! Easily, no doubt.”

The confidence in Father’s tone welled me up. He has so much faith in me. And Mother looks on reassuringly. I begin to wonder how I can deserve all this. 

 “What do I need to do? Tell me.”

We talked and discussed. In probably the most adult conversation I had with them. I feel so capable, empowered, loved, trusted. 

If the “surprise” were a dish, it’s as if they asked me for that one dish that can let me say no to all the other dishes in the world. I should therefore choose wisely… I could only choose one.  

To seal the deal, Holy Father asked “Are you sure you are choosing this?"

With conviction, I say “YES!”

“Okay then start cooking. We’ll be in the kitchen with you.”


Thank you, Kim, for this wonderful engagement with Father God and Mother God.

Melanie B, Philippines

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