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Prosperity Alchemy

3X-10X returns when you pay or donate with gratitude

Prosperity flows when you put your money where you want your thanks to go.

To change your luck from old to gold, 2 energies must be present in a mutual exchange:

Providence returns 3X when you share with 3D Gratitude, 10X when you share with 5D Gratitude.

Sharing is giving a portion of something you enjoy to another or others, so that they can enjoy it jointly with another or others.

PROSPERITY is a liquid energy flow that looks like a river of gold. It has an in-flow, out-flow, and prosperous circulation. When prosperity is allowed to flow freely, to circulate in and out through sharing, then it teems with life like the Sea of Galilee. Without circulation (sharing), it stagnates and eventually dies like the Dead Sea.

Prosperity flows when you share your wealth (e.g., money, time, energy, labor, assets, and talents) and direct it where you want your thanks to go. When you give a Gratitude Donation, for example, at least three times (3X) more prosperous gold energy flows back to you as the giver-i.e., 333% ROI or more from Providence. When mutual exchange occurs at the level of 5D Gratitude, then there is ten times (10X) more prosperous gold energy shared in the exchange-i.e., 1000% ROI or more from Providence. The ROI from Providence is called PROI. The "P" stands for "Providence", and "ROI" stands for "Return On Investment."


3X harvest or more
or more


⓵ To foster Prosperous Circulation, share your wealth with thanks for the 3D treasures you received and the 5D Glory of God.

⓶ Providence returns 3X or more when you share with 3D Gratitude.

⓷ Providence returns 10X or more when you share with 5D Gratitude.

PROI is the measure of good fortune from Providence that returns to both giver and receiver after a grateful energy exchange. Returns of Providence come in myriad forms: free gifts, free meals, business opportunities and auspicious "coincidences", financial windfall, salary raise or wage increase, profitability, cost savings, cash bonus, miracles, healing, divine protection, divine intervention, divine revelations, bountiful harvest, helpful people, timely connections, synchronicities wherein the universe facilitates things for you, etc.


PROI accrues to both giver, receiver, and their families. So even the family prospers. In a testimonial, SB, Philippines, told us: "My mother-in-law has tried to create many business ventures with no substantial success. After the June Meditation Satsangs, prosperity began circulating within my family. In the last 4 weeks, my mother-in-law has been able to close 4 real estate deals worth 16 million pesos or USD $320,000. I am so thankful to God for this!"

Whenever money changes hands, a fluid-like energy exchange occurs between giver and receiver. In our experiments, we observed that a clean, mutually beneficial energy exchange between 2 individuals resulted in at least 333% ROI, although some experiments showed quantifiable returns in excess of 8000% PROI or more.

If the recipient is clean and pure, the PROI that accrues to the giver is greater. For example, giving a Gratitude Donation to a holy person (e.g., a reverend, cardinal, pope) can bring 10 times more yield, i.e., 1000% ROI. The purer the receiver, the more PROI to the giver.

However, spiritual entities are not created equal. Spiritual organizations with a high degree of corruption yield little to no PROI.


If the recipient is corrupt, no PROI accrues to the giver. For example, if you give money to a gambler or embezzler, aside from throwing money away, you are actually exchanging energy with a Dead Sea specimen. (That's what occurs energetically). As long as you're unaware of this toxic energy exchange, some of the embezzler's corrupt energy transfers to you.


If you drink Dead Sea water, what results (PROI) will you get? Conversely, if you drink Evian water from Saint Catherine Springs in France, what results (PROI) will you get? You become what you drink. By virtue of exchanging energy with Dead Sea varieties, you become a Dead Sea yourself. But if you are pure and clean as Evian water from Saint Catherine springs, people will be happy to pay more for the value you provide.

So, for better PROI and a more prosperous life, discern who you are willing to have energy exchanges with-Dead Sea, Sea of Galilee, or Saint Catherine Springs-and then put your money where you want your thanks to go. The purer both parties are in the energy exchange, the higher the return (PROI) from Providence, and the more prosperous both giver and receiver shall be. In this sense, the "P" in PROI can stand for Providence, Prosperity, and Purity.


Proof of PROI


Sherab Chosang, Feng Shui Consultant,

For Prosperous Circulation, I lovingly shared ₱40,000 for the entire Satsang meditation series. Afterwards, I received projects worth ₱160,000. That's 400% in return (or 4 times). And then additional income came from the same project, in the amount of ₱800,000. The total amount of ₱960,000 is 2,400% ROI (or 24 times) from Providence. I'm so, so grateful. Thanks a gazillion!


Priscilla M. Wheeler, Life Balance Specialist,

Before the Satsang meditations, I'd have 1-2 clients a month. After the Satsang meditations, I immediately was gifted a radio segment to promote my business, and shortly after I noticed a consistent flow of clients one to two a week. Clients I have not heard from in almost two years started calling for healing sessions. From the beautiful gifting of the Golden River of Prosperity, if I were to place a figure, I have received about 18.5 times on what I had donated.

I think the most profound experience is with my family. Their finances have increased and they have shifted to a more loving generous relationship with prosperity.
Thank you, God, for this beautiful gift, and to
Kim Lopa for being a pure channel of One Love in facilitating such a phenomenal gem from Source.


Claudine Mangasing, Akashic Consultant & Instructor,


To affirm that the Golden River of Prosperity is real: for the whole Satsang meditation series, I gratefully shared Php5500 for Prosperous Circulation. Soon after, prosperity began flowing in. All in all, if I total gross revenue against the gratitude sharing I made, my Gratitude Share multiplied 17.4 times over what I gave. The Golden River of Prosperity works! Much gratitude to God! At the same time that I feel gratitude and elation, I am also humbled by the generosity of our Creator, and my heart is filled with LOVE. I would also like to thank Kim, for being the channel that facilitated the Golden River to make it available to those who attended the Satsangs—feeling grateful ♥️


SB, Philippines

My mother-in-law has tried to create many business ventures with no substantial success. After the June Meditation Satsangs, prosperity began circulating within my family. In the last 4 weeks, my mother-in-law has been able to close 4 real estate deals worth 16 Million Pesos or USD $320,000. I am so thankful to God for this!


Monette M. Flores, Philippines

In-depth Traveler, Ecotourism and Enterprise Development Expert, and Executive Director of a corporate disaster risk-reduction network

Something happened today. Unexpectedly, manna came. We had planned for a trip with tickets bought 8 months ago. But, with the circumstances that accompanied our year, the prospects of financing the trip was dimming. Yet, I was at peace and knew it was going to come through without knowing yet how. After all, it was Divine who called for this date once again, and, this time with my husband. At the last minute of applying for visa, the gift came. It was unmistakable. It didn't come from any compensation for work done. The Golden River of Prosperity that was activated at the Satsang Meditation came with an initial gift of 1700% ROI for the gratitude donation that I sèeded. Thank you, Kim Lopa for the gift of the Satsang.

The following case studies do not show quantifiable PROI but they demonstrate prosperous results:

HB, Philippines

I can go on with all the benefits of a Lily Activation but suffice it to say... I got 5 job offers in 10 days when I was not looking for a job. My dreams are coming true one by one." Most importantly, I have found solace and happiness in the company of the Divine.

Jackie Verano, Lawyer, Philippines

Three weeks after my Lily Activation, all the manifestations began to happen continuously. I closed 11 contracts in the past month, 7 of them in just 4 days! I was blown away!

A. Scott, USA

I wanted to share my story of Prosperous Circulation. Since my donation to the 1st "Touching Divine Love Bliss" global online meditation, and another $44.44 donation for a Psion Blessing, I received a free appetizer of green beans when I picked up a food order. I thought this was odd so I asked Source what I should do with these beans. Source told me to eat 1 bean and put the rest in the fridge. Within a few days, I dreamt of receiving lots of money. The next day, I got a full time job offer that starts right after my current job ends! Prosperity definitely circulates in miraculous ways! After the week is over, I will plant the beans on the ground, as Source advised, to be harvested later.


Thanks Giving for Prosperous Circulation

THANKS GIVING is putting your money, time, and energy where you want your thanks to go; sharing a small portion of your gains with those you are thankful to; giving with an attitude of gratitude. Thanksgiving holiday exemplifies this.

In our case studies, Thanks-giving topped our list in terms of PROI, out-ranking charitable donations, payments, compensation, barter, tipping, lending, borrowing, and debt repayment. We were surprised to discover that Thanks-giving outranked charitable giving. We asked ourselves, "Why?" The reason is simple but profound in consequence. In charitable giving, "generosity" meets "need." In Thanks-giving, "love" meets "beloved."

The energy of charitable giving (wherein "generosity meets need") is similar to pouring money into a hole in the ground, i.e., a  money pit (something that costs a lot of money over time, more than was originally intended) and expecting something to grow. Repetitions of charitable giving result in "donor fatigue."

Not so with Thanks-giving ("love meets beloved"). The energy of Thanks-giving is similar to sowing seeds for a new harvest. It is an energy exchange of Love. Gratitude, like Love, fertilizes the exchange for seeding and abundant harvest. Best of all, Gratitude cultivates Joy.


So, for an abundant harvest, seed Gratitude by putting your money where you want your thanks to go. Not only is this prosperous, it also works like a good luck charm. 


Gratitude turns on the tap so that mana from Heaven can flow through you. If you have an earth vessel to capture the rainfall from Heaven-e.g., a career, profession, or home-based business that you love-then you have a Love-Meets-Beloved vehicle for asset production and income generation that can harness provisions from Providence.

PROSPEROUS CIRCULATION occurs organically when you share a portion of your gains with gratitude. The hydraulic force of prosperous circulation is Thanks-giving ("love meets beloved"). This is in contrast to other economic models of wealth extraction, concentration of wealth, hoarding, or misappropriation, which result in inequality between the haves and have-nots.

To stave off economic inequality, a paradigm shift is needed, from extraction and concentration of wealth to an economic model of organic Prosperous Circulation.

Prosperity for all thrives in a hydrosphere of Prosperous Circulation. Income streams become rivers. Rivers become deltas. The delta is a wetland of shared prosperity for all. An example of this is the Nile River delta (Figure 2) which fed all of Egypt for thousands of years.


Imagine a world where economic futures are built and jobs created on a foundation of Soul Purpose; where river deltas of shared prosperity abound; where gratitude tokens are the currency and medium of global exchange. Would that not be Eden on Earth?

Figure 2: the Nile River Delta fed all of Egypt.

Prosprous Circulatn

Thanks Giving Tops Charitable Giving in PROI

Charity cannot be sustained and it is against human dignity. The person who receives it in some way falls.”  ~ Sadhguru


In Figure 4, "The untold truth about humanitarian aid," Gravitas Plus explains why billions in humanitarian aid have neither alleviated poverty nor contributed to shared prosperity.

If charity has not worked, then perhaps we should rethink it. Why not try Prosperous Circulation which is prosperous for both giver and receiver? If we wish to transform society from "old" to "gold," then Prosperous Circulation is worth a chance.

Anik Singal makes a compelling case against charitable giving and offers empirical, statistical proof that charity has not worked to transform the status quo.

In Figure 3, Anik Singal paints a clear picture of why charity and "free help" are actually counterproductive, and why the contrarian view of "No to charity, No to free," is actually more compassionate and transformative.

Charitable giving helps the needy but is not prosperous for the giver. PROI to giver is close to none. Charitable giving has not alleviated poverty and cannot transform society in ways that Prosperous Circulation can.

TY Tops

What is Prosperous and What is Not?


  • Putting money where you want your thanks to go.

  • Sharing with an attitude of gratitude, e.g., Gratitude Gifts or Gratitude Donations to pastors, ministers, and healers who work for God.

  • Mutually beneficial relationships in the spirit of grateful sharing and exchange.

  • Building the future on a foundation of Soul Purpose.

  • Any business, trade, or investment that brings Gratitude and Joy.

  • Business and investments that promote Prosperous Circulation.

  • Thanks-giving. See also "Seeding 5D Gratitude in the 5D Prosperous Zone."

  • Giving to God's anointed ones. Anointed ones are rare and hard to find, but they are the best tributaries of prosperity and good fortune, and they provide the highest PROI. The concept of giving to God's anointed ones is not new.  In the book, "God's Prosperity Plan," authors Rod Nichols and Tim Johnson explain, "We see a great example of this in 1st Kings 17, when during a great drought, the prophet Elijah approaches a widow and asks her for a cup of water and a break cake. She tells him that she only has enough cake for herself and her son and then they would die. Elijah tells the widow to make a cake for him, and then makes cakes for her and her son. She is obedient and her flour and water did not run out until the drought was over. The widow understood how to enter the flow of God's prosperity-by giving to God's anointed people. Are you giving the same way? So many people would like to partner with Bill Gates... but there is no one richer or more powerful than God, so... begin partnering with Him today."

  • If a spiritual service has contributed good fortune to you or your loved ones-e.g., a healing phenomenon, cost savings, profitability, auspicious encounters, etc.-consider offering Gratitude Donations to the ministers, healers and spiritual teachers who acted as tributaries of your good fortune. Doing so circulates prosperity and multiplies your PROI.


  • Corruption; lack or absence of integrity.

  • Free help.

  • Frugality, hoarding, attitude of scarcity.

  • Money exchanges rooted in lack, greed, entitlement, poverty-consciousness, etc.

  • Investments or trades made out of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out).

  • Low-vibration energies are PROI inhibitors, e.g., envy, vengeful-ness, snub, fear, grief, "power over", hubris or arrogance, pride, inferiority complex, low self-esteem, lying, cheating, stealing, misappropriation, selfishness, greed, FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), manipulation to gain unfair advantage.

  • Feelings or states beneath human dignity prevailing over or underlying any kind of compensation or exchange.

  • Money Pits - "Money pit" is an idiom for a hole in the ground that a man is digging to throw money into. The idiom is used to describe something that costs a lot over time (more money than was first expected) with little to no ROI. See for examples of money pits.


What's Your Currency?

Try swapping the word "money" with "love."  If you can't make the swap, then "money" and "love" don't mean the same thing to you. So what does money mean to you if not love?  If not love, then what kind of energies are you accepting from others when you accept their money?  If not love, then what kind of energies are you giving to others when you give money?  What energies govern the exchange if not love?


Try changing your vocabulary from "donation" to "Gratitude Donation" or "Love offering."  Did the name change shift your attitude to gratitude?  Did your inner melody switch to Love?

In an economy of Prosperous Circulation, the root currency is LOVE, not money. Money is simply a token of exchange, but what is exchanged in energy and essence is LOVE.


An economy of Gratitude and Love can be realized if we willingly change the way we think about money-e.g., shifting our mindset from scarcity and alleviating poverty to "sharing prosperity." 

Just as where you invest your money impacts your ROI, where you invest your love affects your PROI also. Where you invest your thoughts impacts your PROI.  Money exchanges littered with unloving thoughts and corrupt intentions pollute your interior canal, inhibiting your PROI, and eventually turn you into a Dead Sea inside. Then the organic flow of Prosperity inside you stops. 

Gratitude restores the flow.

To cultivate Prosperity with Providence on your side, you need to put the buddha back into the exchange of money, goods, and services. Thanks-giving exchanges (wherein Love Meets Beloved) must be clean, integrous, no strings attached, and hypocrisy-free. Putting the Prosperity Buddha (Figure 5) back into the transaction keeps your interior river clean and flowing. When you contain pure, clean water, your intrinsic market value increases, like Evian water from Saint Catherine Springs. People will pay a premium for what you offer.

Fig. 5: Prosperity Buddha


The Golden River of Prosperity Alchemy

Over a decade ago, God showed Rev. Kim a river of gold (Figure 6).  Rev. Kim knew she was not imagining things because her nostrils were wet, as if she was inhaling water. At the same time, her vision was miraculously restored to 20-20 so that she did not need eyeglasses for 24 hours. That's how real and tangible the Golden River experience was for Rev. Kim


This was Rev. Kim's first introduction to the miraculous properties of the Golden River of Prosperity and Alchemy. She learned that the Golden River has the power to affect and transmute physical matter.

A few years later, in 2016, Rev. Kim was instructed by The Beloveds on High (G-d) to bring prosperity to a proprietress whose business was losing money owing to a long, dry spell.  The proprietress had to keep borrowing just to pay rent.  She remained devout to the Lord despite her financial woes. She welcomed the reverend into her store with warmth and open heart.  She had not the slightest clue of the true purpose for the reverend's visit.


Fig 6: Golden River of Prosperity and Alchemy

That evening, Divine Source instructed Rev. Kim to secretly sprinkle the store with sacred water from the Golden River. As a result, new customers swarmed into the store the next morning, and sales began rolling in. This continued daily for weeks until, for the first time in a long dry spell, the proprietress was able to pay rent without having to borrow money.

A couple of years later, another Golden River phenomenon occurred. Those who attended Rev. Kim's June Satsang meditation were able to receive a Golden River Activation from The Beloveds on High (G-d). Not only were attendees able to sense-perceive the Golden River flowing inside them, some were also able to see it's source: a golden waterfall from Heaven.

Over the course of a decade, Rev. Kim received a series of divine revelations that taught her about the Golden River of Prosperity and Alchemy, Prosperous Circulation, PROI, and the truth about 5D energy exchange. These revelations were a profound education for Rev. Kim, and they have helped her to develop a deep understanding of the nature of prosperity and abundance.

Golden River

Seeding 5D Gratitude in the 5D Consciousness Zone

Try our exercise on Prosperity Alchemy in 11 Breaths to discover whether or not you are blocked in your intention to be prosperous. When the words of the mantra or affirmation roll out of your mouth like honey and your breathing flows easily, rhythmically, these are bodily signs that you are in the “5D Consciousness Zone.”


The 5D Consciousness Zone is the most potent inner space for giving a money offering (payment or donation) and making a petition to Source. It's the "sweet spot" for making an auspicious Gratitude Donation or Gratitude Payment.


Rev. Kim clairvoyantly observed that Source is most likely to grant your petition (the intent behind your prosperity mantra) when you are in the 5D Consciousness Zone, more so than at any other time.

We know of one gentleman who practiced Prosperity Alchemy in 11 Breaths daily and, within 6 months, he was able to pay off a 7-year debt with change to spare.

Practice Prosperity Alchemy in 11 Breaths BEFORE you make a Thanks-giving donation or payment.

Saint Germain...round.gif

Prosperity Prayer

from Saint Germaine

God in me is the keeper of my treasure house; then I know God produces, for my visible use, great abundance, money as fast as I require its use, and that it is never late, and that all my seeming obligations are taken care of on time.

For additional information on 5D consciousness, see "Transforming Relationships from 3D to 5D".

Donate button is provided at the request of our patrons for Prosperous Circulation

5D Gratitude
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