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Lily Activation

for a Metamorphosis Infused by The Infinite

What occurs in a Lily Activation is God's perfect and full penetration of the aspirant, with God as the activating force. The result is a metamorphosis infused by The Infinite. The recipient emerges as a radiant being, transfigured from a mere mortal, molded by Earth, to a deified  being refined by Heaven-i.e., a "Lily" of the Creator's leading-edge design.

This "Lily" can journey faster and arrive soonest-cruising at high speeds like a Tesla roadster, or soaring to high altitudes like a rocket. Not even King Solomon, with all his riches, was so endowed with the priceless treasures of Lilies of the Field that neither toil nor spin.


The wealth of kings and billionaires cannot manufacture these everlasting treasures that Grace produces in a Lily Activation:

Say goodbye to the old "dial-up" connection to God and hello to the latest quintessential wiring-fiber optic, HDTV, broadband, hi-speed from 4G, 5G, 12G, 144G up to warp speed. All completely manufactured and assembled by Source. Not only will these quintessential technologies be switched on, they will be upgraded to the most leading-edge standards. Fully turbo-charged.

It would take a great many lifetimes to achieve all the technological advancements available in a Lily Activation. Without it's state-of-the-art "light pillar" technologies, one's evolutionary progress would be painstakingly slow and handicapped.

The alternative is a Lily Activation, implemented as a divine Act of Grace. It empowers you to ascend the proverbial Mount Everest as a Lily who "neither toils nor spins."


Imagine a lifetime of rapid apotheosis, exponential evolution, and expanded consciousness, powered by done-for-you activations such as Kundalini, Merkaba, Antahkarana, Ascension DNA codes, and so much more. Imagine ascending Mount Everest like a phoenix, rather than a snail, so that you can blaze towards your ultimate renaissance.


Why make life's journey of a million miles on foot when you can drive a Ferrari? With a Lily Activation, you can spend less time hiking the dirt road and more time driving on life's hi-speed autobahn today.


Lily Activations


Ask your Higher Self which of these entry-level Lily Activations is best for you.
Lily 4 Newbies
White Lily Activation
Gold Lily Activation
Platinum Lily Activaion
Iridescent Lily Activation

White Lily Activation Suite

"The Ferrari"

8 turn-key activations in1-sitting for speeds up to 4G

For newcomers on the spiritual path who are ready to internalize Christ-consciousness, and embody Peace and One Brotherhood of Man through compassionate service.

Gold Lily Activation Suite

"The Tesla Roadster"

16 turn-key activations in1-sitting for speeds up to 8G

For intermediate truth-seekers who are ready to internalize and externalize Christ-consciousness, and embody Peace and One Brotherhood of Man through compassionate service.

Platinum Lily Activation Suite

"The Bullet Train"

22 turn-key activations in1-sitting for speeds up to 12G

For advanced initiates whose soul mission impacts large groups of people. This activation grants the receiver great potency, speed, acceleration, and extra abilities beyond normal. Hence, lifetime surrender to God's Will is required (not just lip service) to prevent abuse of power. Prior experience in Oneness Work and Shadow Work also required. Please heed WARNING.

Iridescent Lily Activation Suite

"The Jet Aircraft"

31 turn-key activations in1-sitting for speeds up to 36G

For the leader of leaders, healer of healers, and teacher of teachers. This activation grants the receiver immense potency, acceleration, velocity, and extra abilities far beyond average. Hence, lifetime surrender to God's Will is required (not just lip service) to prevent abuse of power. Prior experience in Oneness Work and Shadow Work also required. Please heed WARNING.

Lily Activation installs a broadband, fiber-optic cable connection to God.

Isn't everyone connected to God already? Yes. Majority of naturally-evolved humans are connected to Source via TV antenna, metaphorically speaking, like a household gadget is plugged into a 110v or 220v socket. Sometimes they're plugged in, sometimes they're not.

On the other hand, people who have had a Lily Activation (i.e., Lilies) are cable-connected directly to Source, like a high-voltage transformer is directly connected to the main power plant. Their cable connection is hard-wired, hi-speed, hi-bandwidth, broadband, and fiber-optic. Thus, a Lily is much closer to Source and "plugged in" all the time.

What is a Lily Activation?

The Lily Activation is not strictly an energy healing modality or meditation but an "ascension process." It is a special dispensation from Source so that humans can rise up the Ascension Ladder and participate in the perfections of God. Let's use analogies to make this relatable and simple to understand.

  • A Lily Activation transforms the spiritual aspirant (you) from an analogue TV into a digital "Smart HDTV," with cable-direct connection to the cable company.  God is the cable company.

  • As a Smart HDTV, you are directly linked by Lily Activation to the cable company (God) and Lily Cloud servers. 

  • Once you are equipped with cable-direct, hi-speed connection, then HDTV channels, programs, and apps can now be unlocked and transmitted to you via wifi and hi-speed ethernet cable.

  • You can enjoy access to higher HDTV channels and programs. As an analogue TV, you can only access 31 channels, but as a Smart HDTV you can access 1000+ channels. Instead of turning the old TV dial, you just press a few buttons to jump from channel 31 to channel 1000 on the fly.

The Lily Activation is an entire suite of ascension processes and deification energies compressed into one zip file, which is then energetically transmitted and downloaded to the truth-seeker in 1-sitting through a guided meditation.


The Lily Activation is neither a religious path nor a spiritual discipline, just as a Smart HDTV is neither a religious path nor spiritual discipline. The Lily Activation simply "Lilifies" you-i.e., purifies you; accelerates you; anoints and deifies you; sets you up with leading-edge hardware, apps, programs, and wifi technologies not available elsewhere-so you can drive on life's autobahn or fly, rather than hike, and arrive at your destination soonest.

Who is the Lily Activation for?

The Lily Activation is for anyone who is willing to grow in alignment with one's soul blueprint and put The Beloved (G-d) in the driver's seat.

Thousands of people from all walks of life have come for a Lily Activation: lawyers, psychotherapists, movie producers, actors, singers, performers, models, medical doctors, nurses, dentists, psychotherapists, business owners, entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, energy healers, teachers, thought leaders, mystics, psychics, priests, scientists, artists, authors, etc. The Lily Activation has touched every field of human endeavor except politics.

They came from all backgrounds, ethnicities, nationalities, social strata, and spiritual disciplines: Christianity, Buddhism, Sufism, Hinduism, Metaphysics, Theosophy, etc.


Like moths to a flame, they were truth-seekers responding to a deeper "calling" to be Lily-activated. The Lily Activation is for anyone who hears The Beloved's Call.

​What are the results of a Lily Activation?


The Lily Activation is groundbreaking and one-of-a-kind, hence, results are not what people might assume or imagine.


The outcome of a Lily Activation is, in short, a Lily-a human deified by God, capable of rising fast as a comet to the upper stratosphere of cosmic consciousness, and dwell there 24x7. A Lily is able to share in the perfections of deity, collaborate with the Creative Forces, and scale the ascension ladder swiftly if so desired.


You come out of a Lily Activation like a turbo-charged Ferrari/Tesla model of Man Divine, with state-of-the-art wiring, integrated solid-state circuits, new Lily apps, hi-voltage divine power, extra-abilities and extra-capacities beyond normal. Although this may be hard to believe, it's what occurs in a Lily Activation when God calls the shots.  (As a Lily Activator, Rev. Katherine "Kim" Lopa has seen "proof in the pudding" countless times for over a decade. So, naturally, she's on the other side of the fence opposite naysayers and doubting Thomases).

After a Lily Activation, results will depend on who's in the driver's seat. If, for example, the client is ego-driven (i.e., the driver is ego), then results will be ego-gratification, entitlement, power-seeking, or self-aggrandizement. He will spiral downhill rapidly. This is not the result of the Lily Activation but of his own folly. Client is responsible for the ill-fated consequences of his misguided, willful choices.

For the best outcome, we recommend living a life of Oneness and compassionate service to The All rather than service to self so that you will love who you become.

To know the typical results of a Lily Activation, click on buttons below. There is no guarantee, however, that you will get typical results because individuals are unique so results vary.

How many Lily Activations will I need?

You start with one entry-level Lily Activation. A year later, you can decide later whether or not you want to upgrade to Diamond Lily (this depends on how high up the Ascension Ladder your soul wants to go). 


This question should really be answered by your Higher Self/Spirit/Source, not by us.  We are here to serve the needs of your soul, not tell your soul what it needs.

Your Higher Self/Spirit/Source is the one who determines whether to start with a White, Gold, Platinum, or Iridescent Lily Activation. A year or so later, if your Higher Self/Spirit/Source determines that you need a Diamond Lily Activation, then you may approach us again for assistance.


Each particular Lily or Diamond Activation holds Master Keys that unlock secret passages to the Most High, so that you can ascend to upper levels of the Ascension Ladder via technologies of Grace rather than Karma or hard labor; via Divine Intelligence rather than Artificial Intelligence.  For an overview of how each Lily Activation corresponds to a particular level of Ascension, see Ascension Master Keys


Which Lily Activation is right for me?

If you've never had a Lily Activation before, then you have 4 starting points to choose from: White, Gold, Platinum, or Iridescent. You choose only one.


Begin by consulting your Higher Guidance as to which Lily Activation is right for you. "Higher Guidance" can be God/Source, Higher Self, Akashic Records, angels, spirit guides, saints, ascended masters, Beloveds of the Christ Office, etc.  IT IS NOT YOUR INTELLECT OR EGO-PERSONALITY.

NOTE: the Platinum and Iridescent Lily Activations are advanced levels that require prior experience in Oneness Work and Shadow Work in order to qualify.

Lily Comparisons
Compare Lily Activations

The comparisons below use subjective metaphors and analogies-e.g., horse power, engine torque, octane fuel rating, and mobile phone communication standardsto depict incorporeal phenomena that's beyond language.

White Lily Tier

Circa 2005 - Jan 2009


Equivalent to V4 race car

≈ Up to 375 HP

≈ Torque: V4

≈ Up to 4G

≈ Featherweight class

≈ Gradeschool

≈ 6th plane of consciousness

Gold Lily Tier

Circa Feb 2009 - Jun 2011


Equivalent to V6 race car

≈ Up to  424 HP

≈ Torque: V6

≈ Up to 8G

≈ Lightweight class

≈ Middle School

≈ 7th plane of consciousness

Platinum Lily Tier

Circa Jul 2011 - May 2012


Equivalent to V8 race car

≈ Up to 1,600 HP

≈ Torque: V8

≈ Up to 12G

≈ Welterweight class

≈ High School

≈ 8th plane of consciousness

Iridescent Lily Tier

Circa Jun 2012 - Dec 2012


Equivalent to high-speed train

≈ Up to 6,000 HP

≈ Torque > V8

≈ Up to 36G

≈ Middleweight class

≈ College, Associate Degree

≈ 9th plane of consciousness

Is there a safety switch? Yes, of course.

There is a built-in automatic power safety switch inside every Lily that shuts the power off to prevent misuse or abuse of power. The safety switch is controlled by Divine Intelligence, not by the Lily's ego-intellect, therefore, tampering with the switch is impossible.


Whenever a Lily tries to commit abuse of power (consciously or unconsciously), he is automatically kicked "out of the Garden". His "Lily powers" are automatically shut off in 1/10,000th of a second and he loses divine protection. Thereafter, he becomes prey to malevolent forces, and a slave to the malice that controls him.


However, if the errant Lily repents and mends his ways, then his "Lily powers" can be restored at God's discretion.


Ready to be divinely changed by a Lily Activation?

I spent years looking for healing and wisdom from all sorts of sources to understand how life works. I prayed for a breakthrough and eventually stumbled upon The Lily and Beyond.  I can go on an on with all the benefits I got from being a Lily but let me summarize this in a nutshell: I experienced a tremendous shift in my consciousness which allowed me to be more calm, discerning and intuitive. I suddenly knew how to meditate (like a monk!) even in a noisy environment. My manifestations were stronger than ever. I got 5 job offers/opportunities in 10 days and when I was not looking for a job. My dreams are coming true one by one. Most importantly, I have found solace and happiness in the company of the Divine. I am home, and I am staying here for good!  I will forever be thankful for the miracle that is The Lily and Beyond. It changed my life and it will change yours too!  ~ H B Philippines   

Already Lily-activated? Then upgrade to Diamond Lily!

"I am still in shock and awe. Six days as a Diamond Lily and WOW!!!! I am still too overwhelmed to adequately express the blessings thus far, but suffice it to say, it feels like "Miracles-on-Demand" and I am so very, very happy I took the Diamond Lily plunge!!!! The Diamond Lily transformation has been nothing short of an exquisite miracle!!! I am beyond grateful!"

~ Chris del Vesco, Writer, Florida, USA

Diamond Ring

Diamond Lily Activations

Diamond Light Bodies from 1 to 4 Carats for speeds up to 144G+

"The Rocket Ship"

It takes Earth between 1 billion and 3.3 billion years to create a diamond. Likewise, it would take the average human eons to develop a Diamond Light Body. However, in a Diamond Lily Activation, it takes God (The Activating Force) only a few hours to create a Diamond Light Body. If you are eligible, and willing to commit to all the Lily Covenants, then The Beloved (G-d) can activate your Diamond Light Body, by carats, in one sitting. It turns a Lily into a virtual rocket ship. This is a Special Dispensation from Source for the Age of the Lily. It is for Lilies who are :

  • ready for high-speed tight-rope walking on the Diamond Ascension Path. 

  • ready to attain the ultimate goal of all souls: Adam Kadmon.

  • ready for the rights and responsibilities of the Holy Grail.


Compared to all other Lily Activations, Diamond Lily Activations bring with it the heaviest responsibilities, and heftier karma if power is misused or abused. So, for safety reasons, Diamond Lily Activations require perpetual surrender to God's Will and commitment to Oneness with God. Prior experience in Oneness Work and Shadow Work also required. Please heed this WARNING.

Diamond Lily Activation
Compare ◇
Compare Diamond Lily Activations

The comparisons below use subjective metaphors and analogies-e.g., horse power, engine torque, octane fuel rating, and mobile phone communication standardsto depict incorporeal phenomena that's beyond language.

1-Carat Diamond Tier

Circa Jan 2013 - Oct 2014


Equivalent to Boeing 747

≈ Up to 95,710 HP

≈ Torque > V12

≈ Up to 48G

≈ Heavyweight class

≈ Bachelor's Degree

≈ 10th plane of consciousness

2-Carat Diamond Tier

Circa Not Applicable


Equivalent to hi-speed Jet

≈ Up to 110,000 HP

≈ Torque > V12

≈ Up to 72G

≈ Junior Heavyweight class

≈ Master's Degree

≈ 11th plane of consciousness

3-Carat Diamond Tier

Circa Nov 2014 - Sep 2017


Equivalent to rocket ship

≈ Up to 37 million HP

≈ Torque > V12

≈ Up to 144G

≈ Senior Heavyweight class

≈ Doctoral Degree

≈ 12th plane of consciousness

4-Carat Diamond Tier

Circa 2015 to Present


Equivalent to UFO

> 37 million HP

≈ Torque > V12

> 144G

≈ Super Heavyweight class

≈ Baccalaureate Degree

≈ Beyond Penthouse

do I start?



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