Lively and Free
Lively and Free
Antahkarana (variations: antakarana, antankarana, antaskarana) is a line of light that connects your lower personality to your higher self (see Figure 1). Also known as the "golden bridge" or "rainbow bridge," it represents spiritual awareness and enlightenment uncommon in most humans.
According to Alice Bailey, the antahkarana "facilitates the stream of flow of consciousness and produces that continuity of consciousness, or that sense of unimpeded awareness, which will negate all sense of separateness, and make a man responsive in his brain consciousness to impressions coming to him from higher spiritual realms or from the Mind of God. Thus he will be more easily initiated into the purposes and plans of the Creator."
The importance of the Antahkarana in spiritual development cannot be underestimated. If Kundalini is the stairway to Heaven, antakharana is the express elevator. Without the antakharana, according to Torkom Saraydarian, "one can never advance on the path of perfection and bring treasures of higher realms to this world."

Figure 1: Antahkarana
In his book "Aura: Shield of Protection and Glory," Saraydarian explains: "If a crack exists between the lower and higher minds, you are in total confusion between what is abstract and what is concrete; you are a mentally-suspended being who is neither in contact with heaven nor the world. Thousands of such people are found in various yoga groups, churches and so-called New-Age groups . . . When there is a crack between the Intuitional Plane and the Mental Plane, you are the best customer for psychiatrists and a ripe candidate for an asylum. Hallucination results from such a crack... Our advancement depends upon creating a passage between the planes so that our consciousness can travel in any plane without creating problems. Such a passage is called the Antahkarana, the Golden Bridge, or Continuity of Consciousness."
Presently, majority of humans do not possess an Antahkarana. It is a rare occurrence. The likelihood of developing a permanent Antahkarana in one lifetime is practically nil.
A Permanent Antahkarana for Lilies
The Lily Activation activates a permanent antahkarana. Figure 2 is an aura photo that was taken of a female subject shortly after she received a White Lily Activation (2005). The antahkarana is visible in the photo as a vertical, white line of light (see red arrow). The antahkarana of a Lily can be likened to a "direct HDTV cable connection" to the Higher Self, Monad, and God.
The antahkarana is a spiritual energy pathway that connects the lower and higher aspects of the self. It is responsible for maintaining the continuity of consciousness between the intuitional and causal planes. When it is activated, it allows for a more direct and clear connection with the divine, leading to increased spiritual awareness, enlightenment, super-consciousness, and direct communication with the divine realm.
The Lily Activation is a safe and effective way to activate the antahkarana. It is a one-time process that does not require any special training or preparation. The activation is done by a qualified Lily Activator who will facilitate the activation of the antahkarana. God is the activating force.
If you are a truth-seeker who is looking to deepen your spiritual connection, the Lily Activation is a powerful tool that can help you on your journey.

Figure 2