Lively and Free
Lively and Free
Opening 7 Seals of the Book
The "book" is a metaphor for the body-mind of any truth-seeker. The 7 Seals of the Book correspond to the 7 spiritual centers (chakras) in the body. Each of the 7 chakras correspond to the 7 churches in the Book of Revelations:
The first 6 seals of "the book" (the body) are opened in the Iridescent Lily Activation so that the Master of the House (God) can enter the body temple. God becomes the new master of "the house" (the body) and the ego-personality is demoted to butler. If the ego resists the demotion, then internal power struggles ensue.
The power struggle became very real to a group of 25 spiritual aspirants who attended an Iridescent Lily Activation workshop. The idea that God would be in charge of "the house" (body) was revolting to the 25 butlers. All 25 ego-personalities protested against the Master coming home. (The ego will fight tooth-and-nail to defend it's sovereignty).
To quell the "Butler Rebellion," the Lily Activator (Rev. Katherine "Kim" Lopa) offered to terminate the workshop and give everyone their money back. This jolted the ego-butlers who did not see that coming. They acquiesced. To make a long story short, the butlers lost the battle. After openly apologizing to the Master (God) for their revolt, the Iridescent Lily Activation was allowed to proceed.
Do not go for an Iridescent Lily Activation unless you are willing to surrender your ego to God.
The 6th seal corresponds to the Church of Philadelphia, the "City of Brotherly Love," located in the pineal center (crown chakra). This seal is opened by Christ in the Iridescent Lily Activation. With the opening of this seal comes remembrance of universal brotherly love (i.e., what that's like before we forgot); clarity of knowing luminous truth (gnosis); compassion balanced with wisdom; integration of the transfigured self; and self-acceptance founded on the unification of polarities.
The 7th seal (in the 3rd eye chakra) is opened by Christ in the Diamond Lily Activation). Activation of the 7th seal enables God to firmly occupy the body temple. With this activation comes "re-membering" of at-onement with God and super-conscious recall of divine gnosis. All the cells in the body are transformed to align with the memory of at-onement. (Circa April 22, 2013) ​